Press release

Cozy Survival Game Aloft Adds Cute Collectable Critters in First Major Update

The open skies of Aloft welcome critters and new kinds of islands to discover and build on.

Oslo, Norway – March 11, 2025 – Aloft, the cozy co-op sandbox survival game set in a world of floating islands, welcomes new life into the open skies in its first major Early Access update, titled Critters & Wonders. The update features a variety of cute creatures to find and collect, along with new special islands to discover.

Published by Funcom® and developed by Astrolabe® Interactive Inc., Aloft® launched to very positive reviews on Steam in January, and is set to keep expanding throughout its Early Access period. Dive into the update showcase to get a glimpse of the cute little creatures and more.

The Critters & Wonders update adds a whole range of collectable critters that can be found all across the skies of Aloft. Bees, butterflies, bats, frogs, lizards, and many more, with each species coming in a variety of colors, and rarities. Catch them using the net or lure them with feed to bring them on your journey through the clouds. Unleash your cute companions in places where the ecosystem needs a push for balance to be restored. They can even be placed in fancy vivariums on your skyship home base.

Players can now also encounter a new type of floating island in the game, called Wonder Islands. These are fixed in the world and always offer a unique reward or discovery. The Critters & Wonders update adds the first two Wonder Islands, with more planned for the future.
Community and creativity are a keystone of Aloft, so in response to community feedback, the update also adds the option to make the island you have chosen to be your skyship a Shared Home, allowing anyone to collaborate with you and build there without restrictions.

This is only the first of many content updates planned for Aloft in Early Access. Aloft is available on Steam, Early Access:

ASTROLABE® Interactive Inc. is an independent developer and publisher of video games and board games based in Montreal, Canada. Since 2018, Astrolabe has provided entertainment and gamification solutions on a dozen of gaming projects such as ‘Aloft ®’, ‘Sacrifice Your Friends’ and ‘Gaslands: Refuelled (FR)’. For corporate information please visit

Funcom is a developer and publisher of online games for PC and consoles. Funcom has provided outstanding entertainment since 1993 and continues to expand its track record of more than twenty released games. Titles include 'Conan Exiles', 'Metal: Hellsinger', 'Aloft', 'Dune: Spice Wars', 'Secret World Legends', 'Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures', 'The Longest Journey', 'Anarchy Online', and 'Dreamfall: The Longest Journey'. For corporate information, please visit
Funcom is a developer and publisher of online games for PC and consoles. Funcom has provided outstanding entertainment since 1993 and continues to expand its track-record of more than twenty released games. Titles include ‘Conan Exiles‘, ‘Secret World Legends, ‘Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures’, ‘The Longest Journey', 'Anarchy Online', 'The Park', and 'Dreamfall: The Longest Journey'. For corporate information please visit