Dear Funcom players, followers, and friends,
A lot can be said about the ordeals we’ve faced in 2020, but I will summarize most of it in one simple wish: I hope you are well and that you remain safe!
For Funcom this has been an eventful year, even when disregarding the issues related to COVID-19 and working from home. We’ve launched Rock Pocket Games’ Moons of Madness on console and Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah into Early Access on PC, as well as released sizeable updates to Age of Conan: Unchained and Secret World Legends.
We’ve also been working closely with Mighty Kingdom, who are further improving the rogue-like elements of Conan Chop Chop in time for its release in early 2021, and with The Outsiders on rhythm FPS Metal: Hellsinger. We even have have two other titles in the making, with talented external developers.
And of course, there is also our upcoming Dune survival game. It was already an ambitious project when we first announced it last year, but the scope has expanded further during pre-production. With Tencent now backing us, we are emboldened to drive forward our ambition in the multiplayer survival genre and increase the quality and scope of this game. This is the major reason for why we’ve added people to our workforce this year and for why are actively looking to expand much further in the coming year, with more than 50 positions currently open worldwide and more to come in 2021.
I look forward to telling you more about that game and some of our other projects in the year to come. But mostly, I’m proud of the work everyone has done during this challenging year and looking forward to hopefully a return to normality in 2021.
Until then, have a wonderful holiday season, wear a mask, and have a happy new year!
Best regards,